The Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Food Pantry and Admin Offices


Inspired by Gospel values, Vincentians (men and women alike) formed an international charity society to provide person-to-person service as Christ did. Their members come from diverse ethnic, cultural, age, economic, and sociological backgrounds – even within Catholic parishes! If you need assistance, call their Helpline number and leave a message with your name, zip code, and need.

Food Pantry

Food pantry volunteers at Our Lady of Fatima parish help families in need of additional sustenance every month by collecting non-perishable donations from parish members and organizations holding food drives, with assistance provided by specially trained Vincentians who listen to client needs, assist in accessing additional resources and pray alongside clients – an organization designed to be neighbors helping neighbors in a unique service that fulfills one of the corporal works of mercy by feeding the hungry.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic lay organization inspired by Gospel values and seeking holiness through personal service to those in need. Its members, known as Vincentians, are dedicated to meeting individuals’ spiritual and physical needs through its network of local conferences. Services provided include emergency assistance, home visiting, client choice food pantries, family and child care centers, thrift stores, housing programs, job training opportunities, prisoner reentry initiatives, as well as healthcare initiatives aimed at creating longer-term solutions to end poverty for every individual involved – always searching out longer-term pathways out of poverty to bring greater holiness for all involved.

Holy Trinity Conference offers two large pantries: a food pantry offering healthy foods and a clothing pantry offering gently used clothing for all ages and seasons. Home visits are at the heart of our work, an oasis where those served feel safe to open up about themselves and often reveal the source of their difficulties. Vincentians listen with empathy and humility while providing spiritual support and advice based on years of experience and knowledge about the human condition.

Clothing Pantry

Since 1968, St. Joseph the Worker Conference of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has brought hope to needy individuals and families. Based on Gospel values and led by founder Blessed Frederic Ozanam and patron Saint Vincent de Paul, its worldwide network of lay men and women (known as Vincentians) provides tangible assistance like food, clothing, household goods, as financial help as emotional and spiritual support through one-on-one interactions with those most in need.

Vincentians begin and end their ministry through home visits. Home visits allow those in need to open up about themselves and share their struggles with someone they trust – this is why Vincentians always visit in pairs instead of going alone.

Food and grocery vouchers, thrift stores, job training/placement assistance, housing programs, prisoner reentry support services, medical services, and disaster relief are among the many programs SVdP provides. Together, these efforts create longer-term pathways out of poverty towards the full flourishing of individuals – such as clothing donations – which is why bins for clothing donations have been installed throughout the parish.

Volunteer Opportunities

Many people long to add service to their lives but struggle to find the time. Volunteering allows them to help others while meeting like-minded individuals and developing their skills. Furthermore, volunteering offers a low-cost way of testing out a career or field before fully committing – for instance, someone interested in becoming a lawyer but uncertain if it would suit can volunteer at law firms or courts before deciding to take on such an endeavor full time.

Since 1833, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has allowed lay Catholics to grow spiritually by serving those in need through direct service. Members, known as Vincentians, meet regularly in local conferences to decide what needs to be done to assist their neighbors. Though each panel operates independently from another, all follow the principles established by Blessed Rosalie Rendu and Emmanuel Bailly while abiding by statutes established by its National Office in St. Louis, Missouri.

Vincentians visit those needing food, clothing, and assistance with kindness and respect. They listen to their stories while offering humble advice or suggesting to lend a helping hand. SVdP always attempts to connect these individuals with longer-term services designed to lift them out of poverty and back into self-sufficiency; such programs could include job training/placement services, thrift stores/food pantries/pantry houses, as well as housing reentry or prison reentry support programs – these long-term programs often help connect people from poverty/back into self-sufficiency.


Vincentians of Saint Vincent de Paul is an international network of lay Catholics dedicated to fulfilling Christ’s mandate of serving those in need and suffering. Vincentians nurture spiritual development by providing personal service, advocating for social justice, and upholding human dignity.

Donating food items to society is another form of giving. Please avoid giving perishable items that have been opened or consumed and check expiration dates when selecting food to donate. In addition, you can leave a charitable bequest in your will – either for an exact amount or percentage of your estate.

Donating clothing, household goods, and furniture to society is easy: enter your zip code on the donation scheduler to set a pickup appointment or drop them off at any St Vincent de Paul conference near you.

St Vincent de Paul conferences often partner with thrift stores of St VDP in their area to accept material donations that will then be sold at thrift store sales to raise money for programs and services provided by St VdP, such as meals, shelters, assistance to those in need, disaster relief services, job training/placement programs, food programs, housing support services, prison reentry assistance services and medical aid – these charities strive to find long-term pathways out of poverty towards individual flourishing and full flourishing of individuals.