Eschatology – Why We Should Be Busy Preparing For Jesus’ Coming


Most people associate “eschatology” with the Left Behind series or a bible-thumping preacher warning of hellfire and damnation, while biblical eschatology focuses on Jesus coming back and how we should prepare ourselves in preparation.

Recently, I saw a bumper sticker reading “Jesus Is Coming, Get Busy.” While this might be cute and memorable for its simplicity, this verse from Scripture clarifies why its meaning cannot be taken at face value.

1. Natural disasters

The Bible speaks about eschatology – or the end of linear time – as imminent. When people hear eschatology mentioned, they often associate it with books like Left Behind or with preachers threatening hell and damnation for those not aligned with Jesus. However, eschatology encompasses much more. It includes natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes, which have killed millions worldwide over recent history.

Natural Disaster Profiles allow users to visualize, download, and extract data regarding past hazardous events and human and economic hazard exposure and risk from natural hazards.

2. War

Jesus answered His disciples’ question about the end of time by saying, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars; do not be alarmed, for their hour has not yet come.” Many take this statement as an indicator that when war comes, they should prepare themselves to welcome back Jesus – this view is contrary to Scripture.

Jesus appears to indicate that war will always exist until He establishes peace through the Millennial Kingdom, so “wars and rumors of war” do not indicate an imminent end of time but are simply part of life in an imperfect world.

What does that mean for us? It means engaging in the ministry of the word and reaching out to those in need if we want to prepare for Christ’s return truly; otherwise, we risk sitting idly by and waiting. Working for Christ means reaching out even if it makes us uncomfortable sometimes!

3. Breakdown of family life

When most people hear “eschatology,” they usually picture Left Behind or some Bible-thumping preacher warning of Hell and damnation for those who refuse to repent. But the term refers to an event in linear time when Jesus will return, and everything will change radically; we must, therefore, always keep looking up as Jesus returns and work for Him!

Family breakdown is one of the greatest threats facing our world today, due mainly to a lack of quality time spent together by many families. This leads to rebellious children feeling neglected or unwanted, attention deficit disorders caused by being constantly busy, and marriages slowly disintegrating due to limited communication channels between spouses.

God never intended for us to live this way, nor is this what He intended for His creation. Instead, He designed us for healthy relationships between Him and ourselves. Let’s try to keep our families strong and keep spreading the good news of Jesus to those who don’t yet know Him – the sooner we get busy doing His work, the sooner we’ll experience the joy that no one ever will! “Jesus is coming; look busy!” — John Shafer M.Div

4. Nuclear holocaust

When most people hear “eschatology,” they likely think of Left Behind or Bible-thumping preachers warning about Hell and damnation if you don’t repent, but in reality, eschatology refers to the study of end times, precisely when Jesus comes back and things change drastically in our world. Meanwhile, however, we must remain busy exercising dominion over society while fulfilling our vocations in preparation for that shift when He comes back again.

Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) emerged out of World War II with the mission of preventing nuclear holocaust. PSR’s founders collaborated with colleagues from around the globe to form the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, also known as IPPNW; now, over four decades later, it boasts over 40 000 members in 30 countries with numerous influential conferences on risks and consequences of nuclear conflict held globally by this organization.

5. Death

Jesus knew death was imminent for all, and in the Gospels, we see He brought healing and hope for thousands. In public, He preached sermons before large crowds, spent more time speaking out against corrupt and prideful elites than with wealthy individuals, and regularly warned of their dangers. Caiaphas made the right decision by arresting Him because He was disturbing people’s peace and endangering public safety at a critical time when thousands were flooding Jerusalem.

Jesus foretold His death at His final meal with His disciples. He made references to bread as representing his body and red wine as bloodshed; St Luke, the physician, recorded that during Gethsemane, he sweat drops of blood as evidence of stress.

No one should be surprised that we may soon see the end of this world as we know it; our planet has seen too many problems mount up over the years to keep growing more peaceful and stable, so the only way for them to be solved now is for God’s plan to unfold and come true.

No one knows exactly when Jesus will return, but we do know He will at some point. To experience complete joy when His return arrives, He must find us engaged with his work – which Mark 13 reminds us to do through its message, “Don’t let him catch you sleeping.” Therefore, to look busy is essential if we wish for Jesus’s return and we are committed to His work.